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Gifted Referrals and Eligibility

Phase One: Talent Identification
  1. Reported Referral: Nominations can be made by classroom teachers, counselors, administrators, parent or guardian, peers, the student himself/herself, or any other responsible person who has knowledge of the student’s intellectual function. Nomination guidelines and appropriate forms are available from each school’s gifted specialist  (Cheryl Gerber @
  2. Automatic Referral: Students who score at specified levels on a norm referenced test or criterion referenced test will be considered. Automatic referrals will be made based on any one of the following criteria:
    • Students who have a composite score at or above the 90th in Reading or Math ( i-Ready or MAP Testing). 
    • Students who score in the “distinguished” category of the Georgia Milestones Assessment System and or a state or local formative end-of-grade/course assessment.
 Note:A referral does not guarantee gifted testing will occur-- see gifted screening below
Gifted Review Committee ( Student Search Team)
A gifted review committee will consist of the in-school gifted specialist, another teacher of the gifted, and/or a regular education teacher, counselor, or administrator.  The committee will have several purposes but are not limited to the following:
  • To determine if gifted evaluation is needed;
  • To determine if further testing is warranted after testing procedures have been followed and data is reviewed;
  • To determine if probation or withdrawal is necessary for a gifted student;
  • To determine specific gifted service options for a student.